pengikut aku

Jumaat, 18 Februari 2011



Instruktur yoga wanita tertua di dunia (85 tahun)
Bette Calman berusia 85 tahun , sehingga kini beliau masih mengajar seni gerak yoga yang memiliki banyak manfaat bagi manusia. Walaupun tubuhnya sudah dimamah usia namun kelenturan dan kelincahannya mungkin boleh menewaskan ramai yang lebih muda daripadanya. Selama 40 tahun beliau beliau mengajar yoga menjadikan dirinya begitu pengalaman.

Wanita tertua yang masih mampu melahirkan anak  (70 tahun)
Rajo Devi Lohan berasal dari India, setelah 40 tahun lamanya dia menunggu untuk memiliki seorang zuriat akhirnya pada usianya yang ke 70 pada bulan November tahun 2008 laludia melahirkan seorang buah hati yang ditunggu-tunggunya sekian lama. Jika tuhan menghendaki apa yang tidak boleh terjadi?

Kembar siam melekatkan tertua di dunia (60 tahun)
Mzureen Gaylon tidak pernah terfikir bahawa anaknya akan di lahirkan kembar melekatkan pada taun 1951. Dalam perjalananya paramedic sudah berusaha mencuba, kemungkinan kedua mampu dipisahkan apabila mungkin .Namun risiko yang sangat tinggi maka langkah tersebut tidak diteruskan. Ketika ini Ronnie dan Donnie yang melekatkan di bahagian perut itu sudah berusia 60 tahun namun tetap tabah dan sabar menjalani kehidupan mereka di Daylon Ohio, Amerika Syarikat.

Ayah tertua yang masih mampu memberikan zuriat (90 tahun)
Ranu Ram Jogi, Lelaki berasal dari India ini masih kuat pada usia 92 tahun sudah pernah memiliki anak seramai 21 orang dan kali ini yang terakhir ia memiliki keturunan dan isteri keempat ketika dirinya berusia 90 tahun, dan keinginan dirinya yang tetap akan menghamil isterinya apabila mungkin sehingga saya mencecah 100 tahun. Jumlah anak ialah 12 orang  anak lelaki dan 9 orang anak perempuan serta 20 orang cucu.

Kucing tertua di dunia (29 Tahun)
Walaupun sekarang ia sudah tiada lagi namun rekod ini pernah tercatat di Guinness book tahun 1999 ketika usianya 29 tahun, Spike nama kucing ini akhirnya mati pada 31 tahun pada Julai 2001. Pemiliknya Mo Elkington ialah seorang ahli  aromaterapi dari Dorset, England membeli Spike pada Tahun 1970. Antara rahsia panjang umur kucing ini adalah selain diet, ia diberi makan makan lidah buaya agar terhindar dari reumatik (penyakit radang otot dan sendi)

Model terlama dan tertua di dunia (82 tahun)
Nenek bernama Daphne Selfe yabg verusia 82 tahun ketika ini sudah bergelut dalam dunia model catwalk selama 62 tahun namun kariernya begitu gemilang dalam dunia model.

Seruling (flut) tertua di dunia ( 35, 000 tahun)
Seorang ahli arkeologi mengatakan bahawa budaya sudah berkembang sejak awal di Eropah, manusia ketika itu sedah mengenai perabadan moden. Sebuah pasukan dari Uniersiti Tuebingan menemui seruling 12 lembar grifon dari sebuah gua di jerman selatan dan menurut para arkeologi tersebut usianya sudah mencecahkan 35, 000 tahun



Number 1 Yoga instructor in the world's oldest woman (85 years) Bette Calman 85 years old, so now he is still teaching yoga art movement that has many benefits for mankind. Despite her age, but the flexibility has been chewed and kelincahannya may be killing many of them young. During his 40 years he taught himself was the experience of yoga. 

NUMBER 2 The oldest woman to produce children (70 years) Rajo Devi Lohan came from India, after 40 years she waited to have one last issue on the age of 70 in November of 2008 and she gave birth to a sweet heart tunggunya long-awaited. If God can not want what happened?

NUMBER 3 Siamese twins attached at the world's oldest (60 years) Gaylon Mzureen never thought that his son would be borne twins attached at the 1951 cholera. In its proceedings paramedic has been attempted, the second possibility can be separated if possible. But the risks are very high, so the move does not continue. When is Ronnie and Donnie are attached at the abdomen was 60 years old but still strong and persevering Daylon live their lives in Ohio, the United States.

NUMBER 4 The oldest father can give parenthood (90 years) Ranu Ram Jogi, men from India are still strong at the age of 92 years had never had children and 21 were the last time he had descendants, and his fourth wife at age 90 years, and his constant desire to menghamil wife when possible so I reach 100 years. Number of children were 12 sons and nine daughters and 20 grandchildren.

NUMBER 5 The oldest cat in the world (29 years) Although now he is gone, but this record was recorded in the Guinness book in 1999 when he was 29 years, Spike is the name of the cat eventually died at 31 years old in July 2001. The owners of Mo Elkington was a member of aromatherapy from Dorset, England to buy Spike in 1970. Among the secrets of long life are other cats diet, they were fed meals of aloe vera to avoid a rheumatic (inflammatory disease of muscles and joints)

NUMBER 6 Model longest and oldest in the world (82 years) Grandma called Daphne Selfe yabg verusia 82 years old when the world is already struggling with the catwalk model for 62 years but his career was so brilliant in the world model. 


Flute (flut) the oldest in the world (35, 000 years)
An archaeologist said that the culture has developed since the beginning in Europe, the human being when it senses the modern perabadan. A team of 12 Uniersiti Tuebingan find flute sheet griffin from a cave in southern Germany and by the age of archaeological been mencecahkan 35, 000 years

saya minta maaf kalau ada kesalahan tatabahasa dan peniruan!!

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

6 figures in the 2010 world's richest: Forbes

NEW YORK: Ten of the most richest person in the world have accumulated wealth worth U.S. $ 342 billlon this year, compared to only U.S. $ 254 billion last year.
The following list of 6 richest people in the world Forbes magazine announced today:

1 . Carlos Slim Helu and Family (Mexico. Telecommunications. U.S. $ 53.5 billion)

 2. Bill Gates (United States. Microsoft. U.S. $ 53 billion)
 3. Warren Buffett (the United States. Berkshire Hathaway. U.S. $ 47 billion)
 4. Mukesh Ambani (India. Oil, Gas. U.S. $ 29 billion)
 5. Lakshmi Mittal. (India) Iron & Steel. U.S. $ 28.7 billion)

 6. Lawrence Ellison (United States. Oracle. U.S. $ 28 billion)

1. Carlos Slim Helu and Family (Mexico. Telecommunications. U.S. $ 53.5 billion) 
2. Bill Gates (United States. Microsoft. U.S. $ 53 billion)  
3. Warren Buffett (the United States. Berkshire Hathaway. U.S. $ 47 billion)
4. Mukesh Ambani (India. Oil, Gas. U.S. $ 29 billion)
5. Lakshmi Mittal. (India) Iron & Steel. U.S. $ 28.7 billion)
6. Lawrence Ellison (United States. Oracle. U.S. $ 28 billion)

Ahad, 13 Februari 2011

Hari tanpa beg plastik

Hari tanpa beg plastik telah dilancarkan di negeri Selangor sejak 2hb Januari 2010. Sejak ia berlangsung, kita terdengar yang positif, mahupun yang negatif.

Walaubagaimanapun, mereka yang berada di kawasan pendalaman yang sebenarnya memerlukan lebih perhatian telah dipinggirkan oleh kita. Mereka yang tidak mengetahui konsep hari tanpa beg plastik ini merasakan hari tanpa beg plastik menjadi beban dalam kehidupan harian.
Kempen hari tanpa beg plastik sepatutnya dilaksanakan di seluruh negara, bukan setakat di peringkat negeri. Jika tidak, orang ramai akan keliru tentang kempen ini dan akhirnya tidak membawa manfaat kepada bumi kita, kerana mereka yang tidak ketahui akan terus menggunakan beg plastik tanpa had.

Adakah kita memahami konsep tentang kempen hari tanpa beg plastik?

Adakah kita hanya tidak gunakan plastik pada hari tersebut tetapi tetap mengamalkan praktis yang tidak lestari?

Sebagai contoh, seorang pengurus memberitahu anak buahnya, jika mereka mengamalkan hari kempen tanpa beg plastik, sudah pasti tiada orang akan membeli-belah kerana beg plastik yang dicaj dua puluh sen itu.

Selain daripada itu, tempat membeli-belah yang menyediakan tong kitar semula tidak digunapakai, tong kitar semula ini tidak diletak barangan boleh kitar semula,  tetapi dipenuhi dengan macam-macam sampah sarap.

Dengan mengurangkan penggunaan plastik, bukan sahaja menolong menentang kesan perubahan iklim, tetapi menyumbangkan kepada kesihatan pengguna.

Walaupun tiada kajian jangka masa panjang yang menunjukkan kebahayaan plastik dan bahan yang dibuat daripada plastik, tetapi kita perlu memahami bahawa plastik adalah dibuat oleh bahan kimia, dan tiada sesiapa yang akan menjamin unsur bahan kimia ini tidak akan meresap keluar, dan ini mungkin satu punca bagi penyakit kronik yang tidak diketahui.

Hari tanpa beg plastik sewajarnya tidak terhad pada tanpa plastik sahaja, tetapi melanjutkannya kepada aspek-aspek yang lain, seperti tidak menggunkan Styrofoam atau polystyrene yang merupakan bahan-bahan yang hanya boleh diguna sekali sahaja.

Tambahan pula, konsep 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle), guna semula, kurangkan dan kitar semula merupakan contoh yang perlu kita amalkan setiap hari, dan bukan sekadar untuk plastik sahaja. Ia perlu merangkumi bahan-bahan dalam kehidupan seharian.

Kerajaan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam promosi kempen hari tanpa beg plastik, dan perlu menegaskan kepada komuniti yang sentiasa dipinggirkan.

Sam Wong Chin Kah
Persatuan Pengguna-Pengguna Standard Malaysia

Days without plastic bags

Days without plastic bags has been launched in the state since the 2nd of January 2010. Since it takes place, we heard positive or negative.

However, those who reside in rural areas that really need more attention has been neglected by us. Those who do not know the concept of a day without plastic bags are plastic bags a day without feeling a burden in their daily lives.
The campaign day without plastic bags should be implemented throughout the country, not just at the state level. If not, the public would be confused about this campaign and ultimately does not bring benefits to our earth, for they know not to use plastic bags will continue without limits.

Do we understand the concept of campaign days without plastic bags?

Are we just do not use plastic in the day but still practicing unsustainable practices?

For example, a manager tells his men, if they practice the day of the campaign without a plastic bag, surely no one would shop for a bag of twenty cents is charged.

In addition, shopping malls, providing recycling bins are not in use, recycling bins are not placed items can be recycled, but filled with all sorts of rubbish.

By reducing the use of plastics, not only to help fight the effects of climate change, but contribute to the health of consumers.

Although there is no long term studies showing the dangers of plastics and materials made of plastic, but we need to understand that plastic is made of chemicals, and no one will guarantee the chemical elements will not seep out, and this may be a source of Chronic disease is not known.

Days without plastic bags should not be limited without the plastic, but go on to other aspects, such as not using Styrofoam or polystyrene is a material that can only be used once.

In addition, the concept of 3R (reuse, reduce, recycle), recycling, reduce and recycle is an example that we need to practice every day, and not just for plastic only. It should include the materials in everyday life.

Government plays an important role in the promotion campaign days without plastic bags, and should be confirmed to the community that is always ignored.

Sam Wong Chin Kah
Consumers Association of Standards Malaysia

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Finally we are free: People

Cairo - Hundreds of thousands of protesters were happy when the Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak finally bow to the insistence of people who want the tyranny of government resigned immediately after the 30-year rule, yesterday.

A large-scale anti-government demonstration held on 25 January this year, successfully urging Mubarak to resign due to the rise of the people for 18 days....

"We successfully completed the Mubarak regime, we have to overthrow the regime," Shout out hundreds of protesters flooded the Tahrin Square, Cairo.

"Finally we're free," said another anti-government protesters was 60 years old, Safwan Abou Stat.

Meanwhile, progress is also welcomed a number of other countries in the Middle East.

Safiq janji aksi terbaik

BARISAN pemain kebangsaan sudah bersedia untuk menggalas harapan dan impian kira-kira 27.6 juta rakyat Malaysia bagi menjulang Piala Suzuki AFF.
Ikrar itu disuarakan kapten skuad kebangsaan, Mohd Safiq Rahim yang kini menyaksikan rakan-rakannya cukup bersemangat menghadapi final pertama di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, esok dengan diiringi puluhan ribu penyokong tempatan.

“Semuanya sudah bersedia cuma menunggu wisel permulaan. Saya berjanji akan memberikan aksi terbaik, terutamanya bagi menggerakkan jentera tengah bersama-sama Amar Rohidan.
“Adalah penting untuk kami bermain agresif untuk mengatasi jentera tengah Indonesia diketuai Firman Utina dan Ahmad Bustomi dan seterusnya mendominasi perlawanan,” katanya.

Menurut Mohd Safiq lagi dia turut mengharapkan rakan sepasukan yang lain dapat mempamerkan rentak dan corak permainan yang sama ketika menewaskan Vietnam 2-0 pada perlawanan separuh akhir pertama sebelum ini.

“Seperti ketika menentang Vietnam, kami memerlukan jaringan dua gol di tempat sendiri bagi memastikan tidak tertekan apabila beraksi di perlawanan akhir kedua di Jakarta pada Rabu depan,” tambahnya. Dia bagaimanapun mengakui turut mempunyai kelemahan sendiri terutamanya apabila mengambil sepakan sudut dan berjanji untuk mengatasinya agar dua penyerang kebangsaan, Mohd Safee Sali dan Norshahrul Idlan Talaha dapat membolosi jaring lawan.

Walaupun masih gagal menjaringkan gol, dia tetap berbangga kerana membuka peluang kepada dua jaringan Mohd Safee ketika bertemu Vietnam selain membantu satu jaringan Mohd Amri Yahyah ketika menumbangkan Laos 5-1.

Paris Hilton gossip chaotic embrace Islam

LONDON - Speculation celebrity Paris Hilton to embrace Islam is widespread in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, reported the London Muslim sites on the Internet on Monday.

According to the site, rumors about Paris that later spread to North America and Europe.
This page is also published pictures of Paris wearing a head covering.
Press-line newspaper in Indonesia, also carried the same story no stars The Simple Life reality show that has been converted to Islam.
Actually, the news about Paris, the religion of Islam was published for the first time in the Daily Squib news site on the Internet.
In the site, the spokesman for Paris, Paris Ian Brinkham states have converted to Islam and to establish a religious school in the middle of Beverly Hills, United States, which will open in July.
However, some Internet users fall prey to the story without knowing that the Daily Squib is a site that publishing false news in order to satirize actors, singers and celebrities.
While the news about Paris embraced Islam spread, the celebrity bimbangnya expressive as he will age 30 years on 17 February.
"I seem to believe that I will be 30 years old, but at least I like the age of 20 years," she told Closer magazine entertainment yesterday.
Celebrity is also planning to go to several places to party like in Los Angeles, New York and Las Vegas.
On 3 February, in Paris, Frankfurt, Germany to promote canned wine, Prosecco. - Agencies


Jumaat, 11 Februari 2011

Day to commemorate loved

Day to commemorate Valentine's Day sweetheart or come again. Festivals are usually highly anticipated by youth or young people, known as the feast day of lovers, which they think is most appropriate moment to express love and affection to their loved ones.
Festivals are celebrated on February 14 of each year, is celebrated in the cafes, hotels or places of romance, in which each pair of prize packages to give chocolates or flowers to a loved person. Then, various forms of entertainment such party contains singing, dancing and held the youth involved.
Independent preacher, Ustaz Mohd Zaidi Ramli said, not the day of Valentine's Day and the greatness of Muslim culture.
According to him, Valentine has nothing to do with Islam, therefore, it should not be a household name among us, because it is not religious nor our culture.
"For Christians, they are free to celebrate it because it really is teaching and the demands of the religious ritual. We can not prevent them to celebrate, whether it is beneficial or not is their business.
"But for Muslims, we reject this practice not because of hatred or hostility, but it's not our religion. Furthermore, when Islamic placing the dividing line is clear and basic faith. Islam wants its followers Faith God and live a life of its own system known as the al-Din. Hence Muslims must comply with the full faith, "he said.
For Islam, said Ustaz Zaidi, life is not ended so far in the world. This life continued until the hereafter. The world is a farm next. We are farming in the world based on faith, worship and morals of Islam, then harvest it to get the rewards and blessings of eternal paradise in the hereafter. If we were farming in the world with things that are not claimed by God, he will not be judged in the hereafter.
"If Valentine's Day is not a claim which resulted in grace and heavenly reward in the Hereafter, why do we have to celebrate? What more if he would bring a lasting pain in hell, why do not we aware of stuck with it? "Says Ustaz Zaidi. 

Valentine's Day more memorable
Commenting on the February 14 date is more memorable than the dates of Islamic greatness of others, Ustaz Zaidi, who is also the Principal Assistant Director, Marriage and Family Development, the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department, Kuala Lumpur, said various factors caused the date to remember most of the youth Islam.
"As mentioned earlier, we did not prevent Christian friends celebrate Valentine's Day because it is the practice of their faith. But surprisingly, why the Muslims are over-celebrate?
"To me, the flexibility of internal factors holding the Islamic faith is a major factor why many more to remember February 14 as compared to other dates. In fact, the Islamic faith is not to memorize the Five Pillars of Faith and Pillars of Islam.
"Islamic creed requires an appreciation of and confidence in the break, though no doubt smooth anywhere. He knows the sound of the soul, must be accompanied with the implementation, whether in the form of Islamic law or to leave instructions that are prohibited, and be alert to the limits and boundaries are provided. Muslims should know that the boundary line. Do not let it come off the border, "he said.
According to him, nor were external factors that make a great campaign against the celebration, sometimes equally with official celebrations in Malaysia.
"As Muslims, we are not encouraged to greet him. Illegal name, "he added.
Speaking more on this topic, writer, lover grew warm welcome today when some mass media advertising are excited celebration. In fact, including restaurants, hotels and shops flower began to take place on Valentine's Day celebration to promote their business premises.
In the context of media excitement featuring beloved celebrations, we should look from various angles.
Zaidi said the teacher, when one is talking about the media, he was actually talking about communication. Communication involves two parties and the networking that goes on between the media and the public.
"The media should recognize that they have a role and influence of the area. Content, advertising, words, images and symbols are displayed to give effect to the consumer media. If all is well, well its impact on society, vice versa, "he said.
He said the media should be aware that they nourish what is in the soul of the audience.
"Since the audience is always driven by passion and desire is always pushing the evil media, the display is certainly enrich your audience.
"The things we fear this story," says Ustaz Zaidi in the daily ray

Legal celebrate Valentine's Day
No error of law on the issue of Valentine's Day, because it is clearly the practice of other religions. Its rule is illegal because the response contains the elements and elements of other religions, as well as various ancillary matters which led to acts of disobedience and conflict with Islam.
Abu Dawood narrated a hadeeth means, "Whoever resembles a people, then it is included in the race."
Al-Bukhari and Muslim also says, the Prophet said, "Anyone not from practice to practice things we rejected it." Accordingly Muzakarah Fatwa Committee of the National Council for Islamic Affairs Malaysia also decided, this Valentine's Day celebration is prohibited.
Zaidi said the teacher, Valentine's Day, sometimes designed as a youth program that justifies unlimited intercourse between men and women.
"When we already know the law illegal, why is there still a passion to organize this event with a theme (love and appreciate the sacrifice for love). Illegal still illegal, it can not be halal, "he said.
Meanwhile, he urged religious authorities in carrying out proactive and preventive advice is wrong, as many states as the new year celebrations. Only the concerted efforts of various agencies and NGOs able to prevent such activity.
"We want to monitor the religious authorities before the arrival of Valentine. We do this all day because of fear that when they love, they (teenagers) love it as the day pulling out of wedlock resulting in pregnancy and abortion, "he said. 

Celebrate loved ones
The Prophet said, "No two people loving in truth but in the natural marriage." This hadith is a clear limit our beloved people, combined with a valid marriage bond. There may be asked whether Islam has no love life? The answer is that Islam is the religion of love for every human. Islam also has rules to express feelings of love and in accordance with the level and rank. Islam does not restrict only on certain dates, and not blindly and indulge. Of course if someone is unlucky on a certain date only loved and be loved just because of lust without responsibility? What happened to the husband and wife who only showed love for their partner only on Valentine's Day alone?
He said Muslims had the means to express feelings of love. For example, the highest level of love of God is celebrated by doing all things according to His purpose. Second, the love of the Prophet by implementing the Sunnah.
"Third, the love of their parents celebrated the observance and humble themselves as long as they do not conflict with religious requirements. Fourth, the love of his wife.
"Fifth, the love of offspring treated with the guidance of science and moral to-6, Muslim  relatives celebrated with honorable, giving them the right to be right and others," he said.
In conclusion, we should celebrate love every time, then happily ever after. This is a happy love.

this story from the website
Sorry if I have any grammatical errors and words of pain